Sept - Nov ‘23
Where I’ve been:
Denver (September)
Mexico City (Early Oct)
New Orleans (Oct-Nov)
Nashville and East Tennessee (Nov-Dec)
Where I’m going next:
Portland, OR (Dec 16-Jan 6)
Salt Lake City (Jan 6 - End of Feb)
Ithaca, NY (sometime after Utah)
West Wyoming (sometime after NY)
Brief life updates:
I turned 22 on Oct 10th :) really excited, here are my ambitions for the next year.
Due to tax complications, decided to stay stateside instead of traveling Latin America (for now).
I started using shaving cream, complete life changer (thank you Dillon).
I began therapy in September. Illuminating experience. Grateful for it. More to come on this I’m sure.
I’ve said no to more things in my career than usual. I’m beginning to have more opportunities than time (a problem I’m grateful to have!). I’ve used these questions as decision making razors:
If I did this, would I be building the cathedral?
If I did this, would this put me in the arena?
If I gave this my all for 5 years, who would I become? Would I like him?
Do I want to be like the people I’d do this with?
If no to any of these, I don’t say yes.
I decided to run a marathon with 1.5 months of training, ended up fracturing my foot 2 weeks in after going too hard. I’ll get back at it soon, but need to heal (anyone have running tips?).
I’ve become more convinced that having technical competency is crucial if I want to have the level of impact on the world that I do, so I’m teaching myself computer science (with the help of friends).
I’m going to start publishing blogs soon, have been doing a lot of thinking.
What I’ve been reading:
Blue like Jazz, Donald Miller - Joe Rating (JR): 7.4/10
Deep Work, Cal Newport - JR: 6.5/10
Atomic Habits, James Clear - JR: 8/10
The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel - JR: 7/10
Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins - JR: 6.5/10,
The Boron Letters, Gary Halpert - JR: 8.2/10