not sure what I want to do w this space yet - enjoy some word bits I found in stray notepads from my late teens :)

dead end interlude


the orange glow of the phantom beauty,
held hostage by the shutter of an addict.


Magnificent Prism

Dancing photon on my retina

Traveled far, carrying mustard

Sent packing, cradling hazel

Godspeed little angel.

A tenth for God

a tenth for the future

A tenth for food

a tenth for fun

Three tenths for a house

one for a car

Two more that always

seem to disappear.

the trees dance
to the fiddle

She makes love to me

with her eyes

We’re yet to even


Grace of a goddess

rolling down my spine

Ichor of intimacy

I belong there

Institutional collapse

sexual revolution

Masculinity in crisis

unearthed fragility

Are we not more

creative than this?

That we are we because

we are not they?

Confident, opinionated voices

torrent from the screen

to the cortices

The sirens call from the mist

Who are you to think on your own?

Don’t listen to voices

Find the inner voice

The curious one

that takes you on adventures

Feed it, befriend it

Let it loose into the world

Watch and see

Mass intellectual psychosis

is one voice away

from a new destiny

Flurry of dust.
It’s a broken world,
full of husks.
All the components -
and there are millions! -
are fragile.
Teetering on an edge.
Reality flowing through me and
touching itself -
When I shut my eyes I
forget I exist.
Heartbroken! Heartbroken!
Who am I to love?
Who am I to be?
It’s maddening this dust,
friction in my limbs.
Toward pain to find truth.
Digging clams on an overcast day
Wind whips belts of sand at
my face.
Why the violence? Why must it be so natural?
The most unnatural of things: for
violence to disappear - oh - but
man says violence is evil,
it is destruction
Who made us stewards of the deranged?